
Global Rebrand


• Summary

Listerine has been studying mouths for decades, and those studies have yielded some effective oral care claims. But current consumers have heard them before and potential consumers just don’t care. So what if we claimed something different like…Listerine users are bolder than non-users!

Wait, you can’t do that! But we did, and we called it, “The Study of Bold”.

3000 Listerine users vs. 3000 non-users surveyed in over three hundred areas of boldness. As it turns out, Listerine swishers are categorically more confident than their counterparts. From that data we drew correlations and turned those correlations into ads, which we then turned into a global campaign.

A brand new benefit called “boldness” was born to bring in a brand new consumer.

• Summary

Listerine has been studying mouths for decades, and those studies have yielded some effective oral care claims. But current consumers have heard them before and potential consumers just don’t care. So what if we claimed something different like…Listerine users are bolder than non-users!

Wait, you can’t do that! But we did, and we called it, “The Study of Bold”.

3000 Listerine users vs. 3000 non-users surveyed in over three hundred areas of boldness. As it turns out, Listerine swishers are categorically more confident than their counterparts. From that data we drew correlations and turned those correlations into ads, which we then turned into a global campaign.

A brand new benefit called “boldness” was born to bring in a brand new consumer.

• Summary

Listerine has been studying mouths for decades, and those studies have yielded some effective oral care claims. But current consumers have heard them before and potential consumers just don’t care. So what if we claimed something different like…Listerine users are bolder than non-users!

Wait, you can’t do that! But we did, and we called it, “The Study of Bold”.

3000 Listerine users vs. 3000 non-users surveyed in over three hundred areas of boldness. As it turns out, Listerine swishers are categorically more confident than their counterparts. From that data we drew correlations and turned those correlations into ads, which we then turned into a global campaign.

A brand new benefit called “boldness” was born to bring in a brand new consumer.

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The Study of Bold


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