Spark FOR Autism

Social Campaigns


Spark FOR Autism

Spark FOR Autism

• Summary

Since 2017, I’ve had the honor of working with the SPARK Autism Research Study, the single largest study of its kind on the planet. SPARK’s mission is to bring autistic individuals, and their families together with scientists to identify the genetic causes of autism, and to inform more effective therapies and treatments.

SPARK is funded by the Simons Foundation but runs very much on DNA. Specifically, through the donations made by “trios” – Moms, Dads, and their autistic children. 

Throughout the years, we’ve used humanity, levity, and mixture of real and scripted campaigns (along with a killer digital media plan) to boost donations and participation.

Here are some of my favorites.

• Summary

Since 2017, I’ve had the honor of working with the SPARK Autism Research Study, the single largest study of its kind on the planet. SPARK’s mission is to bring autistic individuals, and their families together with scientists to identify the genetic causes of autism, and to inform more effective therapies and treatments.

SPARK is funded by the Simons Foundation but runs very much on DNA. Specifically, through the donations made by “trios” – Moms, Dads, and their autistic children. 

Throughout the years, we’ve used humanity, levity, and mixture of real and scripted campaigns (along with a killer digital media plan) to boost donations and participation.

Here are some of my favorites.

• Summary

Since 2017, I’ve had the honor of working with the SPARK Autism Research Study, the single largest study of its kind on the planet. SPARK’s mission is to bring autistic individuals, and their families together with scientists to identify the genetic causes of autism, and to inform more effective therapies and treatments.

SPARK is funded by the Simons Foundation but runs very much on DNA. Specifically, through the donations made by “trios” – Moms, Dads, and their autistic children. 

Throughout the years, we’ve used humanity, levity, and mixture of real and scripted campaigns (along with a killer digital media plan) to boost donations and participation.

Here are some of my favorites.

• What Would Dads Do for their Children?

Would they give their left arm? Surely. Would they wrestle a bear? Absolutely. Would they participate in a genetic study? Well…let’s put that to the test using real families, a fake bear and a NY state arm wrestling champion.

this Facebook campaign earned a 40% increase in conversions, lowered CPA from $40 per registration to $20, and netted an amazing 4,000 direct donations.

• What Would Dads Do for their Children?

Would they give their left arm? Surely. Would they wrestle a bear? Absolutely. Would they participate in a genetic study? Well…let’s put that to the test using real families, a fake bear and a NY state arm wrestling champion.

this Facebook campaign earned a 40% increase in conversions, lowered CPA from $40 per registration to $20, and netted an amazing 4,000 direct donations.

• What Would Dads Do for their Children?

Would they give their left arm? Surely. Would they wrestle a bear? Absolutely. Would they participate in a genetic study? Well…let’s put that to the test using real families, a fake bear and a NY state arm wrestling champion.

this Facebook campaign earned a 40% increase in conversions, lowered CPA from $40 per registration to $20, and netted an amazing 4,000 direct donations.

• Autism Overheard

There’s a time and a place for everything. And often, the countless hours spent at the doctor’s office is the time and place for Moms to bond, learn, commiserate and yes…laugh. We tried to pack it all into this mini-campaign which drove cost per registration down by 250%.

• Autism Overheard

There’s a time and a place for everything. And often, the countless hours spent at the doctor’s office is the time and place for Moms to bond, learn, commiserate and yes…laugh. We tried to pack it all into this mini-campaign which drove cost per registration down by 250%.

• Autism Overheard

There’s a time and a place for everything. And often, the countless hours spent at the doctor’s office is the time and place for Moms to bond, learn, commiserate and yes…laugh. We tried to pack it all into this mini-campaign which drove cost per registration down by 250%.

• Why be a #1 Dad when you could be #5678?

Any Dad can be #1. All you need is a mug or t-shirt to prove it. But for Dad’s of children with autism, being #5678 or #5679 to sign up for SPARK’s genetic study is the mark of a true hero. Once again, a little levity and a little bit of urgency drove registrations and put SPARK 50,000 genetic trios. 

• Why be a #1 Dad when you could be #5678?

Any Dad can be #1. All you need is a mug or t-shirt to prove it. But for Dad’s of children with autism, being #5678 or #5679 to sign up for SPARK’s genetic study is the mark of a true hero. Once again, a little levity and a little bit of urgency drove registrations and put SPARK 50,000 genetic trios. 

• Why be a #1 Dad when you could be #5678?

Any Dad can be #1. All you need is a mug or t-shirt to prove it. But for Dad’s of children with autism, being #5678 or #5679 to sign up for SPARK’s genetic study is the mark of a true hero. Once again, a little levity and a little bit of urgency drove registrations and put SPARK 50,000 genetic trios. 

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